Health Presentations

Post date: Feb 06, 2020 4:12:14 PM

At its January, 2020 meeting the Council of Faiths received two health related presentation as follows.


Tracey Keech, Deputy Chief Executive presented.

Healthwatch set up by the Government to give patients a voice.

Health organisations must respond to recommendations from Healthwatch, but are not required to implement recommendations.

Therefore, need to have a good working relationship with the Clinical Commissioning Group.

Each local authority has a Healthwatch. MK Council gives MK Healthwatch a grant.

Attends the Health & Adult Social Care Committee.

Found out no GPs would register people without proof of address and citizenship. GPs have agreed to produce a standard form which only asks questions legally allowed to ask.

Did another survey form re LGBTI+. Advised GPs in what they should and shouldn’t do. Found some discrimination.

Lots of feedback re mental health. CNWL are the providers of mental health facilities in MK.

There are 16 care homes around MK. Produced best practice guide.


What faith issues have you come across?

Situation where an elderly Muslim lady with dementia in a home. Her daughter stayed practically 24x7. Not supported by staff. Issue was that she had to ensure mother was clean after going to the toilet so she could pray.

Talked to the Hindu community. Some unable to access some care due to lack of English.

Need to look after the carer too.

 Would like to engage various faith communities, eg mosques, synagogue, temples. Also, groups such as the Polish community.

Need access to interpreters.

GPs have catchment areas, but this is not a legal requirement. Brooklands doesn’t as MK wide.

Difficult for homeless people to register with a GP. Brooklands are very good at helping the homeless.

67% of over 75s have dementia.

When visiting hospitals tend to have a conversation with patients, rather than a survey form.

Community Action:MK

Laura Berrisford spoke on engagement with health services for BAME and faith Communities in MK.

Stating a project with MacMillan re access to cancer services by faith and BAME communities.

New cancer unit at MK Hospital.

Laura will be organising some workshops and surveys.

Individuals can provide feedback – doesn’t have to be via community leaders.

The coordinator offered to downline information to members of the Council of faiths for them to downline to their contacts.

Some people don’t like being pigeon holed into a ‘group’.

Tracey, from Healthwatch, offered to share data with Laura.