Presentation on the role of SACRE

Post date: Jun 12, 2018 11:53:32 AM

At its September, 2017 meeting the Rev Paul Smith, the chair of SACRE, attended present to the Council of Faiths on the role of SACRE.

SACRE stands for Standing Advisory Committee for Religious Education.

SACRE identifies need for revised Religious Education (RE) syllabus every 5 years and also advises the Local Authority on RE matters.

SACRE does not apply to academies or free schools, but is taking a more advisory role there.

SACRE is made up of 4 committees as follows:-

Group A: Christian denominations and other religions

Group B: The Church of England

Group C: Associations representing teachers

Group D: The Local Authority

It must have a rep from each group to be quorate.

The Milton Keynes SACRE works closely with the National Association of SACREs, NASACRE.

The Rev Paul Smith likes to attend the NASACRE conference.

There is a Youth SACRE attended by 12 schools and about 30 students.

The new RE syllabus came in on the 1st September 2017.

SACRE is linked to the Ethnic Minority Achievement (EMA) Network and the Prevent Board.

Schools are legally supposed to hold a daily act of “broadly Christian worship”.

Attainment in Religious Studies at GCSE in 2016:

Total Students: 1230, which is an increase of 200 additional students from the previous year. 70% achieved a grade C or above.

Attainment in Religious Studies at A-Level in 2016:

Total Students: 82. 72% achieved a grade C or above.

There is a shortage of RE specialists in schools.

MK SACRE has a budget of £4445.